Ep. 29: "The Seven Deadly Chess Sins" (advanced chess psychology)

This episode is a book review/discussion of the acclaimed text (Amazon) by Jonathan Rowson. This is a follow up to Episode 16 which discussed (Amazon) by Simon Webb. I believe these two outstanding books are probably the only resources you need for...
This episode is a book review/discussion of the acclaimed text The Seven Deadly Chess Sins (Amazon) by Jonathan Rowson. This is a follow up to Episode 16 which discussed Chess for Tigers (Amazon) by Simon Webb. I believe these two outstanding books are probably the only resources you need for chess psychology at the amateur and club level. Chess for Tigers is an excellent primer, while The Seven Deadly Chess Sins is more advanced. The seven chess sins include the following:
- Thinking (erroneously)
- Blinking
- Wanting
- Materialism
- Egoism
- Perfectionism
- Looseness
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