Oct. 2, 2022

Ep. 43: Are Electronic Notation Devices Legit? feat. Joey Troy, Creator of ChessNoteR

Ep. 43: Are Electronic Notation Devices Legit? feat. Joey Troy, Creator of ChessNoteR
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The Chess Angle

💻Be sure to 💻 We have preview clips for select episodes and are gradually adding content. Please join our community! ♟This podcast is sponsored by ♟ Electronic Notation Devices (ENDs) offer a convenient way for players to keep score...

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♟This podcast is sponsored by Chessable. Check out a list of our favorite courses!♟

Electronic Notation Devices (ENDs) offer a convenient way for players to keep score during chess tournaments. No more messy scoresheets or missing  moves. ENDs, however, have their detractors, with some worried that players can cheat by sideloading a chess engine. We explore this in detail and show that these concerns are overblown. My guest this week is Joey Troy, creator of ChessNoteR, the only END available for purchase at the time of this recording. Joey gives us the full scoop on electronic notation.

We also reached out to the Continental Chess Association about their decision to not allow ChessNoteR devices, even though they're USCF certified. Find out how they responded, and hear Joey's reaction...

Joey is offering all Chess Angle listeners a 10% discount on ChessNoteR devices (all are USCF certified) through 11/1/22.  Use the promo code CHESSANGLE on the ChessNoteR site below. 

Links Referenced in this Episode:

Disclosure: The Chess Angle was provided with a ChessNoteR unit at no cost. We stand by our recommendations and only endorse products we believe in and have used personally.

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